Tuesday, 24 December 2013


First of all I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide  Dr.Nurwati Badarulzaman and Cik Diana Mohamad for exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the RUS 104. The blessing, help and guidance given by them time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of my life. Many new thing I learn with both of them.  Not to forget for my studiomaster for project 6 Ar. Haris Fadzilah for his exemplary guidance to finish our AMPHITURTLE STAGE. I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to my studio coordinator Dr Mazran Ismail for his guidance in this course RUS 104 for this semester.I thank to my parents, brother, sisters and friends who help me to finish all the task and for their constant encouragement for this semester. Before this I never learn how to draw  or sketch, but in this course I had learn many new things such as how to do some shading or one point perspective drawing. I also know how to use water colour in the drawing. Since I not art students in school, there are many things I have to learn to improve my colouring using water colour. I also learn to do site analysis,and some elevation drawing but i still weak in this drawing. From project 1 to project 8 I get many experience which are very hard to forget.Performance and award night is very enjoyable and i very glad because i participate in that awesome event. 

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