Sunday, 17 November 2013


For project 2a, which is natural structure:
  •  Students are required to produce a black & white sketch of a natural structure that can be found around USM Main Campus e.g. trees & plants, insects, animals, other creatures etc.
  •  The sketch should include the elements of light and shadow.
  • Students are also required to do write up (using ‘uppercase architectural lettering’) describing the object chosen for the sketch.
  •  At the back of the mounting board, students should paste the actual photo (black & white) of the object chosen. Students also need to write the name of the object and the location where it is found below the photo.
I decide to draw coconut tree near my desasiswa, Fajar Harapan.The coconut tree is at Tasik Fajar Harapan. I decide to draw this tree because it near with my room which is easy for me to go there to draw in front of this tree. I just draw this tree without know which is the best angle to draw the tree.

Project 2b: Man made structure
§  Students are required to produce a coloured drawing of a man-made structure that can be found around USM Main Campus.
§  The man-made structure should not be more than one-storey height which clearly exposes its main structures like bus stop, car porch, covered pathway, wakaf etc.
§  In addition to the elements of light and shadow, the drawing should also include human figure as a reference of scale.
§  Students are also required to do write up (using uppercase architectural lettering) describing the object chosen for the drawing.
§  At the back of the mounting board, students should paste the actual photo foto (black & white) of the object chosen. Students also need to write the name of the object and the location where it is found below the photo.

For this project, I choose bus stop near Desasiswa Fajar Harapan. For this drawing,I think it very difficult for me to finish it.

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